
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

4 Ashrams of Hinduism

In Hinduism, human life is believed to comprise four stages. These are called "ashramas" and every man should ideally go through each of these stages:
  • The First Ashrama - "Brahmacharya" or the Student Stage
  • The Second Ashrama - "Grihastha" or the Householder Stage
  • The Third Ashrama - "Vanaprastha" or the Hermit Stage
  • The Fourth Ashrama - "Sannyasa" or the Wandering Ascetic Stage

Brahmacharya - The Celibate Student:

This is a period of formal education. It lasts until the age of 25, during which, the young male leaves home to stay with a guru and attain both spiritual and practical knowledge. During this period, he is called a brahmachari, and is prepared for his future profession, as well as for his family, and social and religious life ahead.

Grihastha - The Married Family Man:

This period begins when a man gets married, and undertakes the responsibility for earning a living and supporting his family. At this stage, Hinduism supports the pursuit of wealth (artha) as a necessity, and indulgence in sexual pleasure (kama), under certain defined social and cosmic norms. This ashrama lasts until around the age of 50. According to the Laws of Manu, when a person's skin wrinkles and his hair greys, he should go out into the forest. However, in real life, most Hindus are so much in love with this second ashrama that the Grihastha stage lasts a lifetime!

Vanaprastha - The Hermit in Retreat:

This stage of a man begins when his duty as a householder comes to an end: He has become a grandfather, his children are grown up, and have established lives of their own. At this age, he should renounce all physical, material and sexual pleasures, retire from his social and professional life, leave his home, and go to live in a forest hut, spending his time in prayers. He is allowed to take his wife along, but is supposed to maintain little contact with the family. 

Sannyasa - The Wandering Recluse:

At this stage, a man is supposed to be totally devoted to God. He is a sannyasi, he has no home, no other attachment; he has renounced all desires, fears and hopes, duties and responsibilities. He is virtually merged with God, all his worldly ties are broken, and his sole concern becomes attaining moksha, or release from the circle of birth and death. (Suffice it to say, very few Hindu men can go up to this stage of becoming a complete ascetic.) When he dies, the funeral ceremonies (Pretakarma) are performed by his son and heir.

What About Women?:

A woman's role is of a dependent nature since, traditionally, they need the protection of a responsible male at every stage of life.

Since the majority of us are in the Brahmacharya Stage, what can we do in our daily lives to make sure that we are successful in this part of our life?

What is gained or lost by not achieving the Sannyasi stage?

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Interfaith Religions Panel

There are many religions in the world and many people around us that follow each of these religions.  But how much do we really know about these other religions that we coexist with?  Our Interfaith Religions Panel helps clarify those misconceptions and questions that people have about different religions, specifically: Hinduism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith, Sikhism and Judaism.  Here are some of the questions that were asked to each of the religions:

1)What does your faith believe is the purpose of an individual s life?
2)How would you describe your religion's end goal?
3)Can science and religion ever work together ?
4) What is your/ your religions response to pressured conversion?